sábado, julio 15, 2006

Well, this time it seems to be different,for many reasons... Now the list that no one really wanted to know about...

1. It's been a long time since i really wanted to be alone, or maybe, this time, it's that i don't have an option... Walking this old streets really make you think different things and feel different feelings all in one second... It all comes back in a second... i smell fresh baked bread, and then i realice i do not have my grandmother by my side, holding on to me as we walk for hours just to by a few pieces of it...Suddenly, rain comes pouring down on me, lucky me, i have my trusty umbrella with me, and well the story takes a quick and stunning change... now i am: "the mighty rainlees pedestrian", i know some people envy me, but they know that if they walk by my side, i WILL share my moving shealter...

And then:
-"Remember when it rained"-

Like a swift feather, even though i was 'round hundred faces i didnt knew, that second i felt so alone, so defenseless...

1.I miss you. And i miss all of you. Where are you people that i love?...
2. And the REASON...I walk alone because, it does not feel right walking with no one else...
3. And WHY do you keep complaining about something you do to yourself?...

(sacado de un inicio de un post que deberia haber escrito hace unos dias... esto de la falta de conexion me detiene un poco jeje)




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